The movie you just watched is based on a real teacher, Ron Clark, and his real students. What part of the movie did you like the best? Why? What personal connection can you make to the movie? Have you struggled with school? Have you worked hard? Have you overcome obstacles? Have you succeeded in something you thought was impossible? Explain your answer in 250 words using specific details and examples.
Matthew Perry and the real Ron Clark. |
Ron Clark in action. This picture is taken in Ron Clark's math classroom at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. |
Again, Ron Clark in action. He teaches through dancing and raps. | |
The bungee-trampoline in the library at the Ron Clark Academy. |
The part I liked the best from the movie, The Ron Clark Story, would be his teaching ways. The way he interacts with his students and helping them learn by respecting each other has a big impact on their learning abilities. A personal connection I can make with this movie is that some people in school don’t want to be here and learning while others are making an effort to get good grades and pay attention in class. I have struggled in school. I can’t pay attention very well and I’m not a person to ask questions if I don’t understand things, I will just sit back and try to get by. It doesn’t that way though. I have worked hard during school, hard work is the key. If you work hard you will get somewhere. I have over-came some obstacles in school. I have also succeeded in something I thought was impossible. For example, making the A honor roll, I didn’t make it first quarter but last year and in middle school I did. I have a goal to make the A honor roll second quarter
ReplyDeleteWhat I liked the best about the movie was at the end when Ron Clark gave out all of the awards. and when the girl who got all correct in math and English. When she thought that she wouldn't do well at all. Another favorite part in the movie was when the kids painted on the walls in the classroom and the next day when the kids came in Ron Clark had painted all of the walls blue. There was on last part in the movie that I like the best was when he had a note on the door that said don't open the door in till the bell rings. When the bell rang it was dark in the room and on the marker board it said no one open the closet door. But than Hulio opened he door and there was a skeleton there and all of the kids screamed and yelled. Then Mr. Clark came up behind them and scared them. I thought that was kind of funny I have struggled with my schooling like a lot of kids did in the Ron Clark movie. Most of the kids had trouble in school with behavior and with schooling. I don't have much trouble with the schooling part it is just with my behavior part. I have also worked really hard in school like some of the kids did in the movie I had to raise my grade from a F to a D in three days and I did manage to do it I had to stay after for them days but I did it
ReplyDeleteThe best part, I think, of the movie was that he never gave up on his kids and that he pushed them to be whatever they wanted to be. I like that part because it's inspiring and it's touching. The personal connection that I can make with the movie is that I know how it is to be struggling through school. It's hard for me to keep up with my schoolwork, chores, and sports. Some things are just hard for me to get. Just because I struggle through school doesn't mean that I don't work really hard to do my best and to give it all I got. I think of my schoolwork just as I do all my sports. You go with all you got or don’t go at all. I guess what I mean by that is that I do the best I can and sometimes even more. I never like to lose and I guess, for school, that kind of good because school is like a never ending battle, but you still got to keep going. I've also over come many obstacles. The biggest one was when I was on a 30-day probation period because my grades weren't high enough. It took everything in me not to go nuts sitting on the bench for the whole basketball season. All in all I think any kind would be lucky to have a teacher like Mr. Clark in their lives. I know I'm grateful for the people that are like him in my life, everyone should be.
ReplyDeleteI think that The Ron Clark Clark Story is one of my favorite movies of all time. My favorite part of the movie The Ron Clark Story was the end when they all found out about there test scores. It was my favorite part because of all of the kids excitement and the joy they got out of it. I like the way he teaches all of his kids, I have never had a teacher that has taught like Ron Clark does. One personal connection that I can make with the movie is not believing you can get good grades like all of his students did. I have never really struggled with grades, I’ve always gotten A’s and B’s. When I was in elementary and middle school I never really care how I did in class and it meant nothing to me but now I realize how important it is to get straight A’s and try your best in all of your classes so you can grow to be a successful person and get into a good college. I have succeeded in many things that I thought were impossible, I tend to be a negative person so I think a lot of things are impossible until I try them. These kids have been very lucky to get a teacher like Ron Clark because there are a lot of other kids in the world not getting such a great education like he gives. I would be glad to have a teacher like Ron Clark.
ReplyDeleteThe movie The Ron Clark Story gave me inspiration. I have always wanted to teach kids and help them though their problem. In this movie Ron Clark did both of those things. His class consisted of students that scored the worst on the state test. Ron never gave up on his students even when they did everything they could to make him quite. Ron made his kids realize that they could do better than any other students around. After the long and hard hours of study the students put in they pulled through with the best scores. They scored better than the honors class. The tests scores showed the children’s parents that they kids are smart and can succeed in life. It has showed the students that when they try hard good things with come. It even showed Ron Clark that all the hard work he put into his class was well worth it. My favorite part of the movie was when Ron Clark didn’t give up on his students. Another part I liked was when his students finally realized they are important in life and can do things they never thought they could do before. I have struggled at times in school with Spanish. I had to work hard to pull thought with an A. I had to come up with different ways to study that would help me remember what I learned. I found a tutor that helped me with homework when I needed it and checked my homework to make sure I was doing it correct. I overcame that struggle with Spanish. All the hard work I put into studying paid off. I finally got an A for the first time in Spanish last quarter. I never told myself it wasn’t impossible to an A because I knew if I spent more time studying I would succeed and that is what I did.
ReplyDeleteThe Ron Clark Story was a very good movie. I liked it a lot. I can not choose just one favorite part of this movie, but I can choose a few things. One of my favorite parts was when he chugged a chocolate milk every 15 seconds. That was funny. I also liked the part when he made up a rap called “The President’s Rap,” to help the kids remember them. I would love to have a teacher that can be that fun.
ReplyDeleteI can not make a big personal connection to the movie, but i can make a little one. the connection I have to this movie is that I’m just like some of the kids in this movie. I would rather sit at home and draw, or have some kind of fun, instead of sit in school. School does not interest us kids like they want it too, so some kids just stay low and do what they can to get by, or they cause trouble so they don’t have to sit in school. I dislike school, but I will not cause trouble to get out of school. I will do what I can to get through school with no troubles.
I have struggled in school only a few times, and I try my best to learn and understand what the teachers are trying to teach me, but sometimes it just does not go through my head. When I struggle in school, I ask for help instead of acting like I don’t care.
I think I have worked hard in school. It’s not easy getting homework for 4 different classes almost everyday and passing all your classes. It sucks, and its a lot of work, but everyone goes through it. School is not that bad if you try. I personally don’t know if I have had any obsticls in my school years, but if I have I achieved them.
I have accomplished something i thought I was impossible. I got a 3.6 g.p.a at the end of my freshman year, and I have been on the honor roll since 5th grade. I thought that was awesome! I never thought I could do that. I always thought that I was not a smart person and I proved that I am. I can do whatever I want with my life when I get out of school, but I already know that I want to go to college.
My favorite part of The Ron Clark Story, that I saw, was when the students received their surprise field trip. In this scene, the students are walking through a dark room and they meet a sign that says, “Don’t open the closet.” One student does open the door and there is a mask and a skeleton under the mask. All of the students screamed then Ron Clark pops up behind them. Ron tells them that they did such a good job their tests that they were going on a field trip. The students grab their envelopes and sees that their field trip is to go to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. At the end of the movie Ron Clark is handing out awards telling the students what they did good and that’s how I feel when I do a good job and everyone tells me how well I have done. Ron Clark said that his students did a good job no matter what they got on the test. I have struggled in school many of times, but I have worked hard to get through it. I have overcome many obstacles while in high school. I know that there will be more obstacles in college, but I will have to work through it like I am now. I have succeeded in many things that I thought were impossible for me. I have received better grades than many of the smart people in my grade from my school and from other schools in my grade. Everyone needs a Ron Clark in their life.
ReplyDeleteThe Ron Clark Story was a very inspiring movie. It makes you realize that anything is possible, even when you think it is not. My favorite part in the movie was when Mr. Clark told Shamika that she got a perfect score in math and English. At the beginning of the movie, Mr. Clark could see all the potential in Shamika but Shamika could not. He knew that she was a born leader and once she started working hard everyone could follow. This just goes to show that even as a sixth grader, you can change so many lives. I also liked it when the principal told everyone their test scores. They were all hoping that they did better than they had done before, and not only did they do better, their class had the top scores. Theirs’ were even better than the honors class. This class represents that you can do anything if you try. I would not say that I have many personal connections with this story because I have, for the most part, always enjoyed school. I like having a challenge placed in front of me and then knowing that I achieved something that I could not do before. I have been lucky, unlike the kids in this story, because schoolwork comes very easily to me. If I am taught something new I easily remember it, and these kids have to work their tails off to learn something new. Although school comes easily to me, I do work very hard to get the grades I get. I study how ever long it takes to make sure that I know what I will need to know for the test, just like the kids in The Ron Clark Story. Know matter how much of their story relates to my life I still am inspired by how the accomplished goals they did not think were possible.
ReplyDeleteIn The Ron Clark Story, there was a lot of emotion going on. The beginning really got me, though. I loved how he went out to follow his dreams, instead of being tied down to something he doesn’t love. Because following your dreams is something that really means a lot to me. Without a dream, you won’t have a future, because you’ll have nothing to aim for in your life. Even though I liked that part of the movie, I didn’t relate to it as much as I related to most of the students. Because I, myself aren’t exactly the worlds greatest student. Although I excel in English, I often find myself struggling in Mathematics, German, as well as Biology. They aren’t exactly my strong points in school.
ReplyDeleteOvercoming obstacles is another theme in this movie, and I haven’t exactly had any major obstacles in my life to overcome. I guess I have done a few things that I never thought I’d be able to do. You see, I used to only be able to ride one horse on my entire farm. It was my darling Brandi. But a few years ago she sadly passed away, so I had to overcome my fear of the other horses. There was this one horse, Cheyenne, and she was totally wild. I remember when my sister and Brittney Moss would go out and break her, while I watched, totally amazed. But after Brandi passed away, I had no choice other than to ride Cheyenne. Unless I were to just not ride at all, but that’s never really been an option for me.
The Ron Clark Story
ReplyDeletethe part in the movie, were Mr. Clark comes in to the class. See how they react to see him, and how he looks, and how he behave. the reaction on the kids, and him. Tells a lot about the students and him. They both want it there ways, and no one is going to change that. It show that people don’t have to be the same, or from the same area, to over come problems together.
The part in movie were he struggles with a lot of different thing in his life and just want to give up. in away tryed that don’t really want to try, don’t fell like getting up in mornings, but u do and fell a lot better. when i was smaller i had problems by reading and spelling, I still have a little with my spelling but I'm getting better and I try to do my best. I have to ask sometimes about words I’m sure how to spell, but that’s the only way to better. The thing i have succeeded with would maybe be the fact that I'm trying in school doing the best I can and try when it’s hard instead of giving up. I thought that was a big challenge for me to over come to control the anger i got when i couldn’t do at the same and use the time it takes to do a task.
In the movie The Ron Clark Story, I can’t tell you what part I liked, because the whole movie was great. Credit goes to Ron for wanting to do something like that and not giving up in the long run. Just think about what he had to go through to get where he is now. Who do you know that would do something like that and to succeed in what he did? My connection with this movie would be with the kids who showed that they wanted to do something, but still didn’t because of what the other kids would think. They wanted no part in it, but all along they really wanted to. At my old school I struggled with s because the principal disliked me for the people I hung out with. Also, for my relatives that went to that school and many other reasons. But since I moved to a new school I’ve have had no problems with the teachers or the students. My life seems easier here, because I don’t have the teachers on my case. Also, the principle doesn’t follow me around. One huge bonus is my grades are better. As a result, I can see in my future graduation and success. Unlike, my old school more than likely I would of dropped out.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part in the Ron Clark movie is in the first part of the movie when he first starts teaching. When he starts all kids do not listen at all. He cant control the class and they all get in fights and mess up the room. Some kids in Ron Clarks class start to make bets on when he will quite, when he finds out he tells them that he wont quite. He tells the kids that you can not gamble. When Ron Clark does not quite some of the kids paint the class room and destroy it and all of his stuff that he had up. After that he could not take It any more he walked out one day and said that he quite, but the next day he was still there that’s what makes it my favorite part. I have struggled this year with my publications class. Right now I have a D in my publications class and there is no possible way to get it up. In English class I have done things that I did not think I would do well on. I didn’t think I would be doing blogs or writing in a journal but I have done it. One obstacle that I have over came in the last year is getting my drivers licence. When I was in drivers ed I thiught I would never be able to pass. But I did pass so I succeeded in something that I never thought I would succeed in.
ReplyDeleteWhat I really like about this movie was when he told the class that if he can teach them something and there quite for 15 seconds he will chug a chocolate milk and they did. In that time period he told them english and math. Like in the movie I never wanted to come to school and get tought 8 hours a day either like those kids. I was never very good in school. I always struggle in most of the classes. I never liked coming to school to get educated I always came to hang out with all my friends and do stuff with them. This year I started to work harder then all the other years because this year has been the hardest year so far and its important. I have over come my obsticles in school by working hard and getting help from the teachers i need help from. I thought it was impossible for me to beat my bro Ben in something but guess what!?! I did!. We were at Taylors playing xbox 360 and i beat Ben in Call of Duty Black Ops. I smoked Ben in that game so i guess it was possible for me to beat Ben in something.
ReplyDeleteIn the Ron Clark story My favorite part of the moive is where Mr. clark gets tickets for all of the students to go and watch his friend preform on broad way, when they get there one of the students is missing so he goes to find him and discovers he is laying out side in the rain crying. After one of his parents beat him up. It made me relize how lucky i am. I also like the part when the principel came in and gave the teacher the test scores and the teacher announced that there 6th grade class tested highier then the honor class.
ReplyDeleteJared: I also liked this part of the movie. It shows Mr. Clark's strange and different style of teaching. I am very proud of you for overcoming your obstacle!
ReplyDeleteKarissa: I agree. Even though he was good at what he did in his hometown, he moved to New York to live out his dream. Following your dreams is something everyone should do.
Benjamin! I love how this movie is like, one of your favorite movies of ALL TIME! Also, I'm really jealous of your amazing grades of JUST A's and B's! Gosh, I'm so proud of you! I can't help but wonder, did the movie bring you as much excitement and joy as the kids grades brought them?
ReplyDeleteKenzee! I totally know what you mean with the whole not getting school. And how did I know that the chocolate milk scene would be your favorite? Even though I don't connect with your whole good grades things.
Sam I really like how you related this to your life. Relating it to your life shows people how you can do well in school while dealing with many other things in life. I also like how you say he pushed his students to do their best.
ReplyDeleteBrandon after seeing this movie I hope it shows you that you can do just as well as those kids. If you work hard like they did your grades with show the hard work. Next time you want to give up on things think about this movie and tell yourself you can do anything you set your mind to.
Kenzee: Your comment about chugging chocolate milk every 15 seconds sounds hilarious and I wish I was here to see the first part of the movie. Maybe I can rent it and watch it so I can understand what you mean.
ReplyDeleteSabrina: I absolutely agree with your comment. Watching the little part of the movie it inspired me too. I would have had the same reaction when the students got their test scores as the parents did.
Well I have not been here for like a week, because I was at the Wisconsin Dells and I took Kyson along with the rest of my family. So i did not see like any of this movie beside like 10 minutes of it if even that. From what I saw I did not understand it at all even when Karissa tried to explain what the movie was about. All i really understood was that this guy took the kids who were not doing good in school and taught them, and they became some of the smartest kids around. To this conclusion to the situation that I was not here I could not tell you what part of the movie I liked best. A part i thought was kind of good is when they found out they got the highest scores in the state test, even higher than the smart kids. From the part I seen I do not think I have a personal connection to this movie at all but i do not know. I have had some difficulties with school in the past and I work hard sometimes if I really want to. I can not remember if I have overcame some obstacles but however i have thought i could not succeeded in getting an A in Math and I am getting an -A in Math but that is only because I was gone for a while, so i have succeeded in something that I thought I would not ever succeeded.
ReplyDeleteSadie: i agree with you that is a really good part of movie to see how happy the kid is and how the react to the surprise. and how much kids can change.
ReplyDeleteJared: i think that is a really funny part to see him say, and then do instead of back out. i would say i tried the same didn't really fell like going to school. Jared just remember i will always be able to beat u *** i call of duty.
I agree with Jared because I like the chocolate milk part of the movie. I do not agree with overcoming his obstacle because I beat him!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Karissa because shes a stud and how she will always help others if they need it, my English for instance, and how she chases her dreams!
Watching The Ron Clark Story touched me in many different ways. Watching a teacher care so much for his students shows what makes kids really know they can achieve. My favorite part of the movie was watching how all the kids would pay attention to Mr. Clark as soon as there was something in it for them. They would not pay attention when he was trying to teach. If he inquired him puking though they seemed to pay attention that much more. The personal connection I can make with this movie is sometimes I do not always wanting to learn in school. Everyone has those days where they feel like laying in bed and doing nothing. The main thing to do is just slug through the day and get it over with. Mr. Clark never really let his kids have these days. He always made sure the kids had fun and learned at the same time. There have been times in school where I have struggled to keep my 4.0. During these times I work hard by studying or taking extra time to go over homework. This hard work leads to me getting my grade back up into a comfortable range. This happened once in math. Last year I was barely getting an A. With extra work I over came this obstacle. I know all things are possible. Sometimes though in Spanish the language seems impossible to learn. One time I over came, what seemed to me, the impossible. I past a test that seemed to be super difficult. With that encouragement I stuck with it.
ReplyDeleteJared- My favorite part of the movie was also they chugging of the milk. It was pretty awesome not going to lie. I am thrilled to know you work harder in classes! I am also glad you beat Ben in Call of Duty. It is about time you do!
ReplyDeleteKarissa- I am glad you were able to get over the obstacle of riding a horse again. You and your strong mind set I believe can over come anything that is thrown at you.
My favorite part of The Ron Clark Story was when Mr. Clark took his entire class to Phantom of the Opera and when he helped Tayshawn. I enjoyed when Mr. Clark gave each student a ticket and playbill to the Phantom of the Opera because, it would be amazing if my teacher took the entire class out for a night on Broadway after studying all year for a test. My second favorite part is when Mr. Clark finds Tayshawn in the street and helps him get through a rough time. It was a very touching moment when Mr. Clark actually went searching for Tayshawn when he did not show up at the play. Instead of just letting it go or thinking that he skipped; Mr. Clark quickly got a cab and went to Tayshawn house but when he couldn’t find Tayshawn. Mr. Clark went out and started searching the streets for Tayshawn. When he finally found Tayshawn beaten up and lying in the alley Mr. Clark reached out and helped Tayshawn. That act showed me that Mr. Clark did not have a teacher-student relationship. Mr. Clark’s relationship with his students was rule number one: we are a family; and that family just was not just in the classroom it extended out into the real world.
ReplyDeleteI do not have very many personal connections with the movie. I realize that I am very fortunate to have been taught from an early age that getting A’s on all assignments is very important. Although I do not always reach that goal; I still strive for it. I will put in time and effort like Mr. Clark’s students did to get the grade they dream of. However, this movie made me realize that each us should be so thankful that we don’t have the real world problems like Mr. Clark’s students had in Harlem, New York. I truly enjoyed this movie and I believe I will remember it forever.
The Ron Clark Story is a very powerful and inspirational movie. The most touching part is when Mr. Clark went and found Tayshawn after not seeing him at the theater. This touched me most because it shows me the true bond they have. It’s not the usual teacher and student bond it is more of a true friendship.
ReplyDeleteA personal connection I can make to this movie is that even though I don’t struggle academically in school I still don’t feel like I use my full potential. Ron Clark helped his students reach their full potential by taking the time and showing them that he cared. He made sure his students were being taught in a way that they would find interesting. Mr. Clark also showed his kids that he has faith in them; they just need to have faith in themselves. The person that makes this connection with me would be my mother. My mom is always telling me that there are always ways to improve and that what I do is good but that doesn’t mean I should be content with it. This year when I got my PLAN test score back, I realized that I was extremely happy with my score but that I can do better. It showed me that I should not put limits on my abilities and that I should strive to get better. For the reasons above this movie has inspired me and will influence my decisions for the rest of my life.